8 (Really Good) Reasons for a Roth Conversion

We all want to maximize our hard-earned retirement savings. The best way to do this is by converting your qualified retirement savings plan to a Roth IRA. And to do it now. Here are a list of reasons why converting now is the way to go: You want tax-free withdrawals in retirementWhen taking withdrawals from […]

Five Tips to Maximize Your Retirement Savings

There’s no better time than now to explore the potential benefits of converting your retirement savings account to a Roth IRA. Here are five considerations that will help you determine if such a conversion could benefit you and your loved ones, both now and down the line.  1. Plan according to the current marketAre you […]

Getting Started with a Roth IRA

A Roth IRA conversion moves your money from a traditional 401k or IRA account into a Roth IRA account. When you do this, you will need to pay taxes on the money you withdraw from your pre-tax accounts in order to “roll over” into a Roth. However, once the money is secured into a Roth […]

Work with the best to get the best results

Let’s consider the real meaning of the word “revolutionary,” a word that should be reserved to describe a truly ground-breaking phenomenon. Changing anything that dramatically is rare. We are talking about something that turns the world, society, an industry, whatever it may be, upside-down. Revolutionaries rock the boat. They make the “powers that be” uncomfortable, […]

There is no better time to convert to a Roth IRA

As Monday, April 18 quickly approaches – the imminent tax day – you may be considering some wealth management options to help you manage your assets with minimum taxation. If you’re nearing retirement age, or recently retired, you may consider converting your employer-paid retirement fund to a Roth IRA. Or perhaps you have been saving […]